Building Material
Project 1- Solid vs Void- "Shaping Light and Space"
As the first project, it designed as an intro for building material that are commonly used in the local industry. We are required to construct our choice of shapes using the listed materials to explore and understand building making in relation to the
materials, design considerations of material according to our properties and to finally understand how to intrinsic
forms, limitations and boundaries of a material factor in a design process. I was required to design and build a basic shape of my choice within a limited volume of 30 cubic centimeter, whic should contain of 3 types of materials given on the list.
The three materials used are hard plastic sheet, aluminium sheet and modelling board. The shape I chosed is triangular-based pyramid. The model I designed is names as "Infinity".
Presentation board
Project 2- Materiality of Space- "An Experiential Exploration"
For the second project, in group of five, we were requird to experience a space and explore most of the building materials covered in the module. We also needed to visit a building and analyse its building material on how does the building materials give impact on the feeling and experience of user throughout the space. We choosed to explore in Wooi Residence as our site.
I learned the type of materials that are used in a specific are and space. On the aplication of materials, I learned how the materials that are used in a specific area. I also learned the physical and chemical properties of these materials, the suitability of material used in context to concept, occupancy and climate, and the suitability of materials type, application,
aesthetics and maintenance.
Group Presentation Board:
Individual Presentaiton Board: