Architecture Design Studio 3
Project 1- Journey of The 5 Senses
Project 1 is an introductory project by which you are required to explore issues of spatial typologies and poetics through simple design exercises. Working in groups of 4-5 students, you are to propose 2 schemes for a Walkway Space themed ‘journey for the 5 senses’. You are required to design the space in the form of semi-open architecture by using two contrasting spatial types of your choice. There is no specific site for this design work. The story of your design should translate the literatures given by your tutor, and it should be informed by precedents studies.
Throughout this project, I am able to identify and explain different spatial types(linear and concentric) in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience. Besides, I am able to identify and analyze case studies to inform the design project and create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space while generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures.
Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock
Sweet Revenge by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Project 2- Genius Loci
In Project 2, the design brief calls for an architectural response toward the sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic requirements.
The first assignment for Project 2 requires an analysis of the site context as a starting point. It is a fundamental need for any design project as it will suggest a series of parameters to suggest architectural solution, one that will be appropriate to the place and its meaning, and contributes to its context. The site needs to be understood, in both intuitive and personal ways, as well as quantitative and measured means. Techniques to record and understand the site are varied, from physical surveys to qualitative aspects of experience and personal interpretation of the place.
Throughout this project, I will be able to produce site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the site context and the ‘genius loci’ of place. Besides, I will be able to produce a concept design for a Visitor Interpretive Centre based on the site analysis conclusions.

Project 3 GENIUS LOCI: Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)
In this project, students have to propose a design scheme which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences for their VIC. They have to select initial design ideas and develop it by producing a schematic plan and section, and a study model 1:250 respond to the physical site context and functional requirements. Besides, they are required to generate design through conscious consideration of human scale, natural light, materials/texture, the flow of experience such as flow of space, intermediate/transition spaces, the variation and hierarchy of spaces, inside/outside relationship, manipulation of light, texture & materiality and scale & proportion. Visitors should be inspired and informed in ways that somehow express the spirit of place.
Throughout this project, I learnt to generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context and also the consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture. I also learnt to design a small scale community building which response to the site topography, history and socio-cultural events, functional program and users’ experiences. In addition, I am able to produce drawings in 2D and 3D, models and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.