Architecture Design Studio 1
Project 1: Self-Expression through Object ‘REPRESENTING ME’
Project 1 is an ice-breaking design project. It is and introduaction of basic understanding of the design processes and approaches in idea generation and conceptual narratives. I was required to create an abstract artwork which represents myself. It can be a sculpture, a mask or a glove. In this project, I had chosen FUNNY as the personality representing me. I learned not to think superficially and how to turn an idea into an abstract way.
Project 2: Self Expression through Architectural Space’ LIFE CAPSULE’
To expand our understading of the human body and the interaction of space and the body, the project 2 was designed to enable student designing a Life Capsule for a selected client. Firstly, we need to understand the client's need and charaters, hobbies and other special traits. With these understandings, the Life Capsule is supposingly able to house him for 24 hours. Second, with a group of work we are able to collaborate ideas. The client we chose is an artist. I learned to make 1:1 life capsule with considerarion of light, ventilation, enclosure, safety, security and comfort. Anthropometrics and ergonomics were also very important issues in this project.
I learned to work together as a team to accomplish this hard work. I realised that it is important to tolerate with others and coorprate with each others all the times. The most important part I learned from this project is that every progress of mock-up model and prototype is very important to make sure the idea can be worked and improved.
Project 3a: Story Telling and Narrative: ’MY Building, MY Architecture’
Same as the group of Project 2, we are required to create a video about a building that we have chosen. This project focusses on story telling and narrative. For my group, we have selected KL PAC.
We learned to make a creative way for storytelling and narrative the architecture of KLPAC in an interesting way. We also learned to understand the design and spatial formation concept and approach. We really enjoyed the process and have fun!
Project 3: Dreamspace for the User ‘A HIDE OUT’
The final project is an individual task. I was required to design a dream space as a hideout for a specific client. We are given a list of celebraties, artists, scientists, sport players and other significant characters. I have chosen LADY GAGA as my client. Through this project, I hve created a hideout for Lady Gaga accroding to her character, personalities, prefenrences and needs.
This is a project combining lessons of project 1 & 2. With the outcomes of previous project, I realised to design a space, as an architecture students, there are many details to be considered. I learned that architects are to fulfill client's needs and desire. I incorporated the lessons I learnt in design studio such as ergonomics, spaces and design aesthetics in this hideout. I also learned to choose building materials and how it affects the architectural elemant of the hideout. Besides, I also learnt to explored the basic needs of a client in a hideout to carry out daily activities. I also learned the appropriate scale and size of furniture, walls, staircase, living quarters and doors height to besr suit the client. In terms of soft skills, i have improved my workmanship and drawing skills. Last but not least I also gained experience by presenting and talking to external judges and learn real world needs in construction of building.